
10 March 2016

Food Waste and AD Director, Fergus Healy featured in REA’s Organics recycling magazine

This month Fergus Healy discusses Olleco’s desire to see mandatory food waste collections introduced in the UK.

This spring the main feature in the REA’s Organics recycling magazine focused on what is stopping food waste recycling from really taking off in England. The UK has set a target to recycle 50% of its waste by 2020 and mandatory food waste collections could really help England on its way yet nothing is currently planned.

One of the main factors stopping businesses and local authorities from enforcing separate food waste collections is cost. This is why Olleco have teamed up with the REA and funded an independent study into what businesses and councils could gain if they were required to implement food waste collections.

If you would like to view the article in full, please click here and turn to page 13-14 and 32-34. 

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